Why Labour Day shouldn’t be in May

This is a no-brainer, really.

Unions have done some great things for workers over the years, and we are all better off for some of the changes they have introduced & enforced.  This should be commemorated, sure, but this can be on any day of the year, as these achievements took place throughout the year. Does it have to be the first Monday in May? Of course not.

But what’s wrong with that day?

For many towns in Queensland, there are five, yes five, public holidays, all within the space of about 3 weeks – Good Friday, Easter Monday, ANZAC Day, Show Day, and Labour Day.

For small businesses, trying to manage cash flow, that’s an incredible burden. If they don’t operate on holidays, that’s a weeks income missed in less than a month. If they do operate on holidays, that’s a week’s worth of penalty rates to pay in a short period if time. Hardly fair.

Easter is a worldwide event. So good luck moving those holidays.  ANZAC Day is a national day, and for many, more sacred than Easter. Again, good luck changing that day. Local shows? They’re already spaced throughout the year to balance out the competitions, attractions, etc.

That leaves Labour Day.  If other states can celebrate Labour Day outside of May, why can’t Queensland?

But our state Government, indebted to the unions, has decided to move it back from October, with no consultation outside of those unions, and small businesses be damned.

Well, I said at the start that this was a no-brainer. Sadly, that seems to be the case.

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