What’s this about?

Well hello there, and thanks for dropping by.

This site is my place to share some of the things I’ve been thinking about.  I cover such diverse topics as politics, Christianity, family life, books I’m reading, TV shows and movies I’ve been watching, and other random tidbits that interest me.

Feel free to comment on any of my posts, but remember to be polite.  Any rude obnoxious comments, or degrading insults will be deleted.  It’s my blog and I’ll decide what appears on it.  Apart from that though, feel free to discuss, disagree, challenge, and more.  You may even convince me that you have a better idea.  (It has happened before.)

If you want to contact me outside of a particular post, just fill in the form below and let me know how I can help.  I look forward to hearing from you.


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