Making Mistakes

Everybody makes mistakes. We all recognise this, when we think about it clearly. However we aren’t always so quick to acknowledge this when we are the recipient of someone’s mistake.

It is important to pause & think when someone says something or does something that isn’t right. Was it intentional? Did they realise what impact it would have on you? How big a deal is it, actually?

The best response is to politely let the person know that their words or actions weren’t what was expected or acceptable. Then wait for their response.

If you are the one who has made the mistake, this step is vital. How you respond determines what sort of person you are.

Will you acknowledge the mistake? Apologise for the error & the harm caused? Do what you can to rectify it?

And if you are the recipient, how will you react to their apology?

Everybody makes mistakes. It’s how you respond afterwards that makes all the difference.

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