Happy Father’s Day

On this special day, we pause to recognise the importance of father’s in our lives, and to thank these men for their love and sacrifices given for us.

But not everybody has fond memories or experiences with their father.  In fact many don’t even know their father at all.  In America, 33 percent of children are raised in fatherless homes. That’s over 24 million children (more than the entire population of Australia!).  But the fatherless represent 85% of youth in prison, 63% of all youth suicides, 85% of children with behavioural disorders, 75% of adolescents in chemical abuse centres, and 80% of rapists.

The impact of an absent father is astounding and devastating.

I have had the good fortune to have my father in my life, providing his wisdom, support, love throughout the years.  To him I say thank you for all you have done for me, given to me, sacrificed for me.  I love you far more than I ever say.

To those of you without a father around, I hope you can find a father figure to encourage you, inspire you, challenge you, support you, love you.  The impact will be phenomenal.

But for all of us, there is one who is “father to the fatherless”.  He never fails, never gets angry, never forgets about us, never lets us down.  He is our guide, our comfort, our strength, our provider. Our heavenly father loves us all individually as his beloved children.

Happy Father’s Day.



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