Fundamental Christianity: evil or genuine?

I have been called a fundamentalist, or “fundie”, as an insult many times, as a way of trying to denigrate my faith, make out I’m old-fashioned, behind-the-times, backwards, or even evil and hating.  But what is fundamental Christianity?

In the late 1800s and early 1900s, some Christians were concerned at the way Christianity, and some churches, were moving away from historical Christian teaching, to be more in touch with modern society.  They expressed what they called the 5 fundamentals of Christianity, to stress what was integral to Christianity as a faith and a religion.  These 5 fundamentals are:

  • Biblical inspiration and the inerrancy of scripture as a result of this
  • Virgin birth of Jesus
  • Belief that Christ’s death was the atonement for sin
  • Bodily resurrection of Jesus
  • Historical reality of the miracles of Jesus

So I ask you this: which of those 5 is evil? Or backwards? Or behind-the-times?  If you claim to be a Christian, which of those 5 do you disagree with and why?

Remember, claiming the scripture is inerrant doesn’t mean our interpretation is inerrant.  We are, after all, humans, and therefore fallible, fallen beings.  However, knowing that scripture is the inerrant Word of God, we always strive for a better, more reliable, understanding of what the Bible teaches us about God and Jesus.  We continue to study, research, analyse, and refine our understandings to get closer to the full Truth of God.

I won’t apologise for this.